Members' Contributions

Lord Stern - profiteer of doom

Letter to the editor of the NZ Herald, by the Viscount Monckton of Brenchly

11 September 2010

Sir, – Lord Stern (September 11) menaces New Zealand with “trade barriers” unless she agrees to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. This rank neo-imperialism, overlaid with overtly Marxist rhetoric about “market failure”, should be treated with contempt.


Stern’s ludicrous report on the economics of climate change reached its erroneous conclusions on the basis of an insupportable near-zero discount rate and an indefensible doubling of the IPCC’s wildest projections of future CO2-induced warming.

Australian carbon pricing moves etc

The initial commentary below, is regarding the Australian Greens trying to put a price on carbon. The rest, related to extreme green philosophy shows just how scary some of their views are.

--Part of the big agreement yesterday announced by Labor and Green honchos was the set-up of a multi-party parliamentary committee to put a price on carbon. You can read about it here. But when you read about it, it's clear that it's a pretty undemocratic way of pretending to have a debate without having a debate. Typical, but pretty cynical. And as ever with the political class, it defers to the exalted power of "experts."

Speech to launch Professor Bob Carter's new book: Climate: The Counter-Consensus

Speech to the Institute of Public Affairs, Melbourne, Australia

by Hon Rodney Hide

October 7 2010

Professor Bob Carter has written the best book on the science of human-induced global warning I have read.

It’s a very significant book. It will save countless lives. These would be the lives lost should the world’s poor be condemned to the grinding poverty implicit in the now world-wide political goal of dramatically curtailing the use of fossil fuels.

That goal, in turn, is driven by the so-called scientific consensus and by pronouncements from on high from the UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change.
These summarised are that continued industrialisation will condemn us to catastrophic global warming in a hundred years or so. Therefore we must act, and act immediately before it is too late.

Observations on NIWA’s Statement of Defence

By Richard Treadgold, Climate Conversation Group

Three weeks ago NIWA released their Statement of Defence in response to the NZ Climate Science Coalition’s Statement of Claim regarding an Application for a Judicial Review. You have to be a lawyer (which I’m not) to see the ramifications and it’s taking a while to work through it, but these are my first reactions and I can’t hold them back any longer.

Most of this will upset NIWA’s supporters. If you’re a NIWA supporter, go find a buddy to hug before reading on. This will rock your world.

Because NIWA formally denies all responsibility for the national temperature record (NZTR).

Dairy NZ’s MAF funded workshop on global warming a fiery affair.

 From the Pastural Farming Climate Research organisation:

Members newsletter:

Held in Dargaville earlier this month it attracted a crowd of 4 farmers. I thought the 8 that turned out previously in Dargaville to hear John Boscawen on his ETS tour was a poor turnout, but apparently not.

So does this mean farmers don’t care too much about the ETS and their liability and are just getting on with the job of being a farmer? Or is it just that it has been a long fight, and we are getting weary, which is what our opponents want, and in September a farm can be a lot more demanding of time than the worries of a future financial liability?

The four farmers there though were highly motivated. Because the group was so small each got to say why they had come and what they wanted from the day. All were sceptical of what the Government and Dairy NZ and Fonterra are saying about livestock emissions and wanted to know how they could possibly cause global warming. One of the farmers, as well as being sceptical about the role enteric methane plays in global warming stated quite bluntly he was there to see what Dairy NZ was doing with his levy money to represent farmers concerns about this.

Climate Change survey- September 2010

NZ Herald

A new survey suggests concern about climate change has slipped slightly from a year ago.

The UMR Research poll done on behalf of the Greenhouse Policy Coalition, which represents some of the larger greenhouse gas emitters, said climate change rated bottom in order of importance to people outof a list of 10 common issues - adrop from eighth out of nine issuesin the same survey last year.

Those issues in 2010 were (in order of concern) cost of living, health, education, ethics in business, environment, effect of the economy on household, taxes, employment, standard of living compared with other countries and climate change.

The proportion of people agreeing that climate change was a serious issue fell from 42.6 per cent last year to 36.3 per cent, the survey showed.

Mainstream Climate Science” is a stagnant swamp beside the real river of science.

20 September 2010

Mr Kloppers of BHP says that “the mainstream science is correct, and we need to stabilise (and eventually reduce) the carbon concentration in the atmosphere”.

This is an amazingly sloppy comment from the head of a company whose shareholders would expect it to rely on good science and accurate language to run its businesses.
Firstly, no power station these days puts “carbon” into the atmosphere. Carbon is a black sooty substance produced as a result of incomplete combustion of coal in open fires and dirty old fashioned boilers. In modern boilers, all carbon is completely burnt to produce invisible, non-polluting, life supporting carbon dioxide.

Learning from History


Coal and oil are the key ingredients that have lifted much of mankind from a Stone Age existence to a world of comfort and plenty never before seen.
The Greens would have us close every coal mine and coal power station and their policies would also close most of our oil and metal refineries. And they will subsidise and mandate stupid alternative energy schemes whose main effect will be to boost backup gas consumption, increase electricity charges and increase network instability.

Why the ETS is STUPID! -letter to Editor

It is politically motivated and is based on false conclusions derived from fraudulent practises. Climategate is one example. The UN IPCC is supposedly firing those who have made it look stupid over climate change. I doubt they will go far enough and fire the lot. The primary scientists have admitted warming to date has been due to natural causes, not human based.

Taxing human produced CO2 will not alter the climate as CO2 is a bit player in climate change. The govt.s own literature shows decreasing temperatures since 1998, in spite of increasing CO2. Scientists predict this will continue until between 2030 and 2060. This is not a short term glitch. Obviously something else governs climate change.

The greatest scam the world has ever known-letter to Editor


The Editor ,          
After thousands of hours of research,  after thousands of pages of information from universities, research establishments, and hundreds of well qualified scientists, there can only be one conclusion. Those who initially declared that the world was warming, were telling us lies!
Those scientists, who occupied positions of trust, convinced other scientists and world politicians that a great catastrophe was about to occur.


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